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Mary S

"I've been struggling with acne scars for most of my adult life and wish that I could have discovered your office, specifically Dr. Channing Barnett, and this treatment, long ago when I started my journey in trying to improve the way my scars looked. I would have saved thousands and thousands of dollars. I absolutely love the results of the silicone that I received on March 15th, 2010 and what it has done to get RID of my scarring. I will not hesitate to come back, should I feel I need one more treatment or for any other procedure that I might need in the future. The doctors in my area of D.C. are just not quite up to par with what this office has to offer its patients, which is why I have no problem traveling to New York City to see Dr. Channing Barnett. It was worth every penny. She is kind, understanding, patient and very knowledgeable on the subject of silicone. You will feel that you are in good hands. Along with the rest of the staff, who were so friendly, they make you feel right at home. I finally got my self-confidence back! I'm definitely going to try to make it back in the summer for my lips to be done!"

-Mary S

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